Cheerful alone among cheerless objects
My introduction to the song, and a recording of the first performance:
The score can be downloaded from Maritune Notaffär or from Score Exchange
The Vox Novus event, presenting the performer, the songs and the composers:
A clip of 60 seconds with the song, from the concert performance 17 June 2023:
The singer, info from her website:
Keri Lee Pierson is a classically trained soprano, contemporary musician, and music educator. She currently is a Doctor of Musical Arts student at Bowling Green State University where she collaborates regularly with her colleagues, instructors and The MidAmerican Center for Contemporary Music. Previously, Keri Lee lived and performed in the beautiful Saint Augustine, Florida, where she was an Adjunct Instructor at Flagler College. She also taught young minds music reading skills and music history at Veritas Classical School, was a staff musician at Memorial Presbyterian Church, served as the Assistant Director of the St. Augustine Youth Chorus, and taught lessons to all ages and skill levels. Keri Lee holds a Master’s in Vocal Performance from the University of South Carolina, and a Bachelor’s in Vocal performance from the University of Central Florida.
En ny mässa att sjunga i kyrkan
MISSA LAUDATE Op 14 (Gå trygg framåt och lev din längtan) är ett kyrkomusikaliskt material till en sjungen mässa för solister, kör, orgel och församling.
Noterna kan anskaffas direkt genom tryckeriet och distributörens bokshop, eller beställas genom vilken bokhandel som helst (sök efter ISBN 9789198651638), antingen online eller i en fysisk butik. Albumen finns normalt inte i lager utan trycks separat för varje beställning, så produktions- och leveranstiden är omkring en vecka eller något mera (produktions- och leveranstider på sammanlagt bortåt en månad har tyvärr förekommit då tryckeriet har haft extremt mycket att göra).
För dem som föredrar digitala noter att läsa på en skärm eller skriva ut på egen printer finns möjlighet att köpa en kopia i PDF-format. Obs! varje köp av en rättighet att ladda ner och/eller printa ut gäller endast för en användare, så den köpta kopian får inte kopieras och delas vidare.
Rättelser till noterna [uppdateras om något mera upptäcks efter hand]
sid 45 Agnus Dei, sångtexten i takt 15-16, altstämman, “Ag-nus [ingenting]”, skall förstås vara “Ag-nus De-“.
sid 51 Hell dig gudasände, sångtexten i första versen i takt 11, “skat-en”, skall vara “skat-ten”.

Författaren Maria Fernbom är utbildad bibliotekarie och kulturvetare, med ett stort intresse för litteratur, människor och omvärld.
Poeten och sångerskan Åsa Hagberg är sedan många år aktiv som författare, föreläsare och musiker. Åsa har bidragit med många texter och melodier till nya psalmer och andliga sånger, förutom att hon av flera svenska tonsättare gärna anlitas som textförfattare till större kyrkomusikaliska verk.
Kompositören Maria Ljungdahl har sedan år 2020 under artist- och förlagsnamnet Maritune Art & Music bland annat gett ut en sångcykel med tonsättningar av svensk poesi från fem sekel och två digitala album med elektroakustisk musik.
Spotify content
9 Songs after Swedish poems as digital sheet music
(Buy and download digital sheet music from Score Exchange.)
The twelve songs of the song cycle Op. 17 by Maria Ljungdahl were composed between 1986 and 2020, and are dedicated to the mezzo-soprano Anne Sofie von Otter. The work was not commissioned or written for a specific institution or occasion, so the song cycle was dedicated to ASvO entirely without expectations of, and also without the exclusive rights to a first performance of it.

Three of the songs in the song cycle are for copyright reasons excluded in this digital edition. The original printed edition of the work with all the 12 songs included was published by Maritune Art & Music in September 2020, and is still available to order as print-on-demand from most bookstores (ISBN 978-91-986516-1-4).
The set poems are from five centuries, and were written or first published between 1644 and 2011. The poets are: Georg Stiernhielm (1598–1672), Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht (1718–1763), Erik Gustaf Geijer (1783–1847), August Strindberg (1849–1912), Karin Boye (1900–1941), Astrid Sperring (1921–2013), Lars Gustafsson (1936–2016), Ylva Eggehorn (1950–), and the composer herself, who has also provided the English translations of the lyrics. Lyrics that are not public domain are used with permission, obtained via ALIS licensing (Administration av litterära rättigheter i Sverige) and/or directly from the authors and rights holders.
The work is registered with performance rights society STIM, work # 51000129 (entire song cycle). The songs in this work are also registered with individual work numbers, to use when reporting performances of selected songs from the cycle.
Beyond Good and Atonal #1 (sheet music)
Keyboard works 1964-2014: suites, pieces & fragments
These keyboard pieces range from short and simple etudes for piano beginners to works employing somewhat more complex textures and techniques. Of course, ‘keyboard’ means that the chosen instrument can (for many but not all of the pieces) be something other than an acoustic piano. For example, a cembalo (harpsichord) or a church organ, or an electronic keyboard with suitable instrument sounds. The music in the album can be played as a suite of works in a piano recital, or be performed in any order and selection of numbers from the collection, as the player finds necessary, tasteful and enjoyable. The pieces Intransitive mezzo, Lady M pays a visit to a painter, Dancing polar bears, New blue shoes, and Campanula pianoforte, are perhaps best played in that order, as they are from a work that has been called ”Sonata Something”, but are more like a suite than a proper sonata. The title of the nostalgic waltz theme, Katie Maurice, is alluding to a character, an imaginary friend, mentioned in Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. The finale piece, Yin & Yang, has been characterized by a fellow composer as written in a ”Bartók-ish music hall” style.
Buy a copy of the sheet music at the Swirlymusic website (order a printed copy or download a PDF) or at Score Exchange (print out or download)